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The power of paint

Here are a couple of other things that a have completely changed with jsut a little spray paint!

First we have this cool basket that I was super excited to get.  I use it for my sons laundry.  He on the other hand using it to hide toys, binkies or any other thing that he thinks it would be fun to hide!
Here is the after, I love how it turned out.  I want to make a liner for it.  Someday!

Then I found this really cute cork board.  I know that she wanted to be pretty.  So I made her pretty!
Sorry for the tons of other stuff!

I told you she wanted to be pretty!  I used my cricut to cut out the letters. 
 I am linking to:Domestically Speaking


Di Lamp to Die for Lamp

So I didn't get a picture of the lamp by itself
or when I primed it. Silly me! But when
you are spray painting something that you are not
going to distress, make sure you prime!
This is the process of spray painting. When spray painting
make sure you have tons of newspaper down. I learned
that the hard way. Plus make sure to move it once in a
while so that it doesn't stick to the newspaper.

This is the finish lamp.

And here it is with the lamp shade.
This lamp cost $4.00 total.  I love a good redo!

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Ok so I had to share with you this cool topless shirt!  I knwo that sounds bad.  But they are great!  I had something like this when I was prego, but mine was one size fit all.  Well I had a 10 pound baby, so I was not little and it didn't fit very well. 
Blush, which is the name of the company, has different sizes!  Cool huh?!  I was super excited to see that!  Plus they have regular ones and then maternity one!  Sweet!

Here is one way you can wear it!

You should take a look!  Super cute!



Me & my craftie self!

Today I was itching to do something craftie.  While my little guy was sleeping I decided to do some beading.  I love those watches with the beaded bands, so a while back I bought some stuff and did some.

Then one of my favorites broke so today I fixed it and I made two more.  The only hard part for me is putting the beads together.  I want to have them funky, but I need them to be systematical.  I know I am a lot little crazy.

I wanted to show you how I do them, and you can make some too!

First off these are the tools that I use:

There is my beading board, my pliers, beads, crimping beads, claps, wire, wire cutters, rice cakes & a capri sun.   Don't you like the binky & the car keys.  I don't' know why they were all there.  I also had the one that I already made and git well so that I can measure to make sure that they are the right size.

Here is the beading board up close.  This really comes in handy.
If not they beads are rolling everywhere.

Next here is my band all laid out.  I have to mental think about how I need to put it together.  I have made a few that things where backwards and I had to redo them.  Not fun when you spent the last half hour putting them together.  Another thing, I don't' have tons of money to burn, so my beads aren't super amazing beads.  But it was what I had.

Here are the three that I got done before the little guy work up.  I also did a necklace that is really fun!  I will show you that tomorrow.

Here are some close up of the beads, I love the blue one &
can't wait to wear it!  I love the spacer.

Thanks for stopping by and let me know what you think!

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A quick clean!

I don't know if I am the only one, but I don't think so.  I have the cleaning bug.  Now I have to take advantage of that because I don't always have that.  For some reason the last couple days I have had it.  I want to clean everything.  I did all the laundry, including the sheets and rugs.  Tomorrow is the blankets.  Part of the reason for all the cleaning was I had the flu last week and I don't want my little family to get it.

Long story short I wanted to show the difference of a quick clean.  You know the kind that only take a few mins. But somedays just feel like they take an hour so you don't do them.

We have an older home, with tons of awkward storage.  So I have had to be really creative how put things. We have a tiny utility closet.  So everything must be just right or it is a mess! 

Here is the before:

Here is the after:

Now I know that is still looks like a tight squeeze, but everything has a place and it is such a blessing to have it!  I hope that encourages you to tackle those little things that will help you feel a little more organized. 



Denim Fabric Flowers!

Yesterday my hubbie was home and I got alot done!  Hurray!  I finally feel like my head was out of the clouds and I could create a button for my blog, you should grab it! I was also able to do a fun little project that I have wanted to do for a while to get rid of some of the scarps I am getting from my hubbie's birthday blanket.

This is the supplies you will need.  You need good scissors that will cut through denim.  You can use any kind of fabric.  I like I said I wanted to use some scraps.  Then something round, I used a baby food jar.  Buttons, a needle and thread (Oops not in the picture). 

Cut out the circles and this is what you have.  I wanted a contract in color so I just used different color of jeans. Sorry, a little blurry.
Then you just stack them how you want.  I had enough to do at least two.
Then you add buttons of your choice.  I had some that I got from Walmart.  It was a ton of different kinds.  I wanted something bright!

The final step is you take and sew the button on.  I just used white thread and this is what it looks like!

Then you can sew it onto a bag or I am going to put a clip on it so I can move it around.   I had so much fun doing this and you can do it in about 10 min.  Quick, easy and fun!  Just the way I like to do things!

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!

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Picture Frame Earring holder!

I told you last night that the creative juices where flowing!  I made an earring holder!  I have seen these all over and I LOVE them!  I have been wanting to make one forever!  So today I did!

Of course, I forgot to take pictures of the before.  Just think an blood red with gold accent. It was UGLY! I made it from a frame that I got for free and wire mesh that we inherited when we bought the house.  I spray painted it white.  Then I saw a trick where you water down brown craft paint and it looks like stain.  So I decide to try it!  I wiped it on and let it sit for a min then wipe it off just like stain.

It is far from perfect, but it was my first try. After what seemed like forever of painting and drying, I was ready to attach the mesh. Oh how I wish I had a staple gun, but I don't (it is on my birthday list).  So I hot glued in the mesh, which was a pain!  I then put my earrings on and I was done!  I loved how it turned out.  It is not prefect, but I love it! 

The last two pictures are of the beautiful detail this frame has!
  I LOVE it!

Thanks for stopping by! Please leave me a comment and
let me know what you think!

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The juices are flowing

The juices are flowing! 

I am making something this evening. I am just waiting for it to dry and then I will take pictures and show you.  I am super excited! 


I have a confession!

I have a confession!  I have been having a craftie block!  I know it is horrible.  With all the sickness that has been going on in my house and the holidays I am pooped.  But I feel it coming back.  So hopefully soon!  I have actually started on a project that I am not sure when it will get done or when I will blog about it.  It will be soon I hope.  It is a gift for my hubbie and his birthday is just around the corner!  So just hold on for a few more days and I will try to get this cold junk to go away and I will be back!  I promise!



My New Years Goals!

I know that I haven't posted anything craftie for the last little while, I have been crazy busy with two sick kids (ok, so a sick hubbie and sick kid).  They both have had this terrible cold.  So my craftie life has gone out the window!

However, I have some projects that I thought I would let you guys know about.  One of the lest favorites is Getting all of Harrison's clothes that don't fit and put them away.  I hope that when I have another baby I pray that it is a little boy, otherwise I will have a little girl that will wear tons of blue!  Yickes!

Another project is painting Harrison's crib.  Now the story behind this is we bought this way before Harrison was even a twinkle in our eye!  We thought that we would be able to get this done fairly quick.  Almost three years later we are using our awesome neighbors crib!  This is one of the first projects that I would like to get done.

Another thing I need to get done is my hubbie's birthday is in exactly a month and I have way to many jeans that need to be made into a quilt.  He actually asked me last hunting season if I would make him one because he froze.  So two birds with one stone!  Sweet!  Let just see if I can get it done and find some cool material for the back that doesn't cost a bucket load of money.  I also will be showing you exactly how I do it.

Since we will hopefully be moving in the spring or sooner, I will be also dejunking our house.  I have been doing tons already.  I have way to much crap!  Wish me luck!

I also will be making some baby blankets and showing you step by step.  I have tons of friends that are having babies.  So I need to get that done soon.

So I thought that I will be letting you know what I will be doing the next little while!  I can wait till it gets warmer because then I can do stuff outside again.  Wahoo! 


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